For those of us who may not have a green thumb, we have put together a list of 15 Easy to care for plants that will add some life and greenery to your home.
1. MOTHER IN – LAW’S TONGUE (SNAKE PLANT) Sansevieria trifasciata
It is popular as a houseplant because it is tolerant of low light levels, irregular watering, and has air purification qualities. These plants are a lovely addition to any corner in your home, however are most comfortable in a bathroom corner where there is high humidity and can grow up to 3ft. tall. During the winter it needs to be watered once every couple of months, while in the hotter months once a month is sufficient.
2. FICUS TREE Ficus benjamina
Also know as a weeping fig, these trees enjoy bright indirect or filtered light with variegated varieties happily able to take medium light and cannot tolerate low temperatures. When growing a ficus indoors, it’s important to maintain a relatively high humidity around the plant. When watering, always check the top of the soil feel if it is dry to the touch, this indicates that they need water. Great to put in a bare corner of room because it is narrow and can grow to be 60 feet tall.
Elegant and long stemmed plant. Loves bright indirect light and minimal care. Works best next to a window or under a skylight. Watch out, this plant likes to move from room to room and will grow 6ft. or more according to personal preference.
4. PEACE LILY Spathiphyllum
These beauties require bright indirect light and minimal care. Keep the soil moist, but do not over water. Peace lilies can tolerate short periods of dry soil, but their leaves will start to brown if neglected for too long. They also enjoy high humidity to be fertilized occasionally, every 6 weeks or so with a balanced houseplant fertilizer starting in late winter. Keep these plants out of direct afternoon sunlight, but in a well-lit area. An east- or west-facing window is ideal. They look great in a corner of a Living Room, Dining Room, Bedroom etc… for height because they can reach up to 6 feet tall.
5.AFRICAN VIOLET Saintpaulia
These small and cheery perennial plants come in various colors. They’re happy in bright to medium intensity filtered light. Water these plants when soil feels less moist to the touch, but do not them dry out completely. To keep them blooming these do need to be fertilized with special African violet food or a food and always pinch blooms from the when they are spent to encourage more flowers.
6. PHILODENDRON Philodendreae
These are one of the world’s most beautiful foliage plants that will adapt easily to the conditions inside your home. they require bright, indirect light, water, and fertilizer. You may want to place them in a large area because these plants tend to grow very full.
7. RUBBER TREE/PLANT Ficus elastica
Rubber trees, can be enjoyed as either medium-sized house plants or grown to become a large focal point in any room near a window. These large trees can grow up to 50 feet tall. When learning how to care for a rubber tree plant, there are a few key things to remember, but rubber plant care isn’t as difficult as one might think. They require bright, indirect light that isn’t too hot. Some people recommend putting it near a window that has sheer curtains. This allows plenty of light, but not too much. During the growing season, these plants need to be kept moist and like to have their leaves wiped off with a damp cloth or spritz it with water.
8. POTHOS Epipremnum aureum
These plants are considered one of the easiest plants to grow in a wide range of environments that can help purify indoor air. They do well in bright indirect light as well as low light and can be grown in dry soil or in vases of water. They will thrive in nutrient rich soil, but do almost as well in nutrient poor soil. They look beautiful on a book shelf because they tolerate low light or as a hanging plant because that can grow and grow. This leafy vine can reach up to 40 feet or more in tropical jungles.
This Tall, Chic, Tropical, Air- Cleaning Plant requires bright filtered light and can even withstand a certain amount of neglect. The plant name comes from the ancient Greek word drakaina or “female dragon,”. There are a few different varieties to chose from that have dramatic foliage with beautiful color patterns make a great focal point in any room,
10. JADE PLANT Crassula ovata
Commonly known as jade plant, friendship tree, lucky plant, money plant or money tree, is a succulent plant with small pink or white flowers. These plants were once thought to bring their owner good luck so they always makes a great house-warming gift. They love window sills, since they like full sun exposure. Never let a jade plant dry out completely. But also, do not water a jade plant too often, as this can cause root rot. Don’t water your jade plant on a schedule. Rather, water your jade plant when the top of soil is just dry to the touch.
Not only is this plant easy to grow, but it is also known as a healing plant. If you ever have a burn, there is nothing better then a fresh cut aloe leaf to relieve the pain and treat a burn. They love bright light o a sunny window sill with periods of shade. . To keep it happy, plant aloe in a terra cotta pot with well-drained dirt. Your best bet is to mix equal parts sand and potting soil or buy a special succulent mix. The terra cotta also dries faster than other plastic or glazed containers. Water the plant heavily about once every two weeks, waiting until the soil dries out fully.
12. AIR PLANTS Tillandsia
These are great because they are soilless!! The key to air plant survival is constant air circulation, as its name indicates. Water your plants about once a week—some varieties can go two weeks without being watered. Keep an eye on them to determine what exactly your plant needs. To water, place them in the sink and lightly rinse each plant. Leave the plant in the sink overnight to drain; put them back in their designated place in the morning. These make it so easy to add some greenery to any space by hanging in a corner, creating a box garden on a wall or on bookcases. You can take it to the next level and create a whimsical cluster of hanging glass terrariums.
These compact plants look great on end tables, window sills and come in bright orange, pinks, yellow, red and white colors. Kalanchoe care is minimal but be cautious about light levels. Strong southern light can burn the tips of the leaves. Place pots in partial sun to light shade areas when growing kalachoe plants. Cut off spent flower stems and pinch back leggy growth to force a compact plant. Water the plant deeply and then allow it to dry out completely before you give it further moisture. Fertilize once per month during the growing season with a houseplant food.
14. STRING OF PEARLS Senecio rowleyanus
This vine loves to sprawl over the edges of counter tops and pots, making it a great species to use in a hanging basket. Bright light, but not direct light is needed for this plant. Since it is actually categorized as a creeping, perennial, succulent vine, a cactus mix for the soil works best. Letting it dry out in between watering. since the round little pearls store water in them, it makes a great sharing plant – give a cutting or two to a friend to pot in soil and watch it grow.
15. PEACOCK PLANT (Zebra Plant or Rattlesnake Plant) Calathea
With it’s purple, pink, green and red leaves; this tall, slender plant adds a twist of color to any room. They change position slightly during the day in response to changes in temperature and humidity or moisture requirements This plant demands to be moist at all times, but not “wet” or sitting in water. This means regular small amounts of water during the growing seasons as soon as the surface starts to dry up. They require high humidity, making this beauty great for a bathroom with a window with indirect light.
And for the rest of us who may love greenery, but either do not have the right light or time to take care of plants — were not judging, because we have the perfect solution — Faux plants! We now have a complete line of beautiful faux stems to add just the right texture and greenery to any shelf or table.